The Folded Chessboard

By Sandro Del Prete

Copyright Sandro Del Prete. No reproduction without the permission of the artist

Despite their astonishing similarity, my image was created independently of this one. I had simply based my Terrace on the reversibility of the top face of the classic Reversing Cubes illusion.

When somebody sent me Sandro’s “Folded Chessboard” image I was utterly appalled at the similarities and how close I had unintentionally come to outright plagiarism!

I also realised that at some long distant time, as a young man, well before the advent of the web, I had seen this image somewhere before in a book or magazine. Whether some subconscious memory was at work when I created the “Terrace” I have no idea. It would certainly seem highly probable.

So, however unintentional the similarity, I am very happy to dedicate my image as a homage to him. He is one of the great masters of illusion and a true inspiration.