The impossible triangles in the preceding four images were drawn in 2D. I was curious to see if I could find a way to successfully create this figure using 3D software. It is, by definition, a figure that cannot truly exist in 3D space so, in theory, it should not be possible to create with 3D software which works in strictly defined and calculated 3D space. It is achieved by means of a cheat. A perfectly legitimate 3D object is created as you see here in the small image to the right. It is created in isometric parallel projection, a kind of pseudo perspective in which there is no convergence of parallels, making objects appear the same size regardless of distance. It is thus possible to create a ‘join’ between the ‘front’ and ‘back’ of the figure by rotating it to a unique position. This ‘join’ can be made to appear co-planar even though this is, in fact, far from the case. Isometric projection lies at the heart of many illusions. The 3D here was created using Trimble Sketchup and final texturing done in Photoshop. Click the Play button to see just how this cheat works. (Apologies to Steve Kaplin for appropriating the title of his wonderful book from which so many of us learned Photoshop.)

CAMBIGUITIES is the official site of illusion creator David Macdonald. All images strictly copyright of the artist.